Books and Articles
Over the hill to the little red schoolhouse I excitedly came,
Searching for truth and wisdom; and not for any hope of fame...
Excerpt poem titled The Forgotten Schoolhouse
by Cynthia Cozette Lee
DR. CYNTHIA COZETTE LEE, an award-winning Black American composer, is also an author and poet, who began writing inspiring poems and books of fiction as well as non-fiction essays in 2000. Her first moving book of poetry titled The Forgotten Schoolhouse: Original Poems and Stories on Faith Love Nature and Wonder is available on Amazon books and other online book dealers. Click on Author's Page to go to Convenant Books.
Lee, C.C. (2020). The Forgotten Schoolhouse: Original Poems and Stories on Faith, Love, Nature and Wonder. Covenant Books.
Cozette, Cynthia (2020). Visit to Poe's House-poem. SFPA-Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association Halloween Poetry Reading Online 2020.
Lee. C.C. (2014). Native American Music and Living Legends. Teachers Institute of Philadelphia.
Lee, C. (2010). D.O.O.R.S. of Change: Capacity Building to Differentiated Instruction. Dissertation Published by ProQuest.
Lee, C. (November, 2000). Build a bias-free classroom. NJEA Review, 14-16.
Cynthia Cozette Lee Collection of Roland Leich Letters Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Curtis Institute of Music Library Archives Cynthia Cozette Lee letters to Roland Leich (part 3), 1976-2010